Wednesday, May 10, 2006

HI - My name is Miss Pam and I work for I love my job and love the people I work with. I think I have just created a blog and am intending to post to it at least twice a week. I have found bloggers to be helpful when I was looking for information, so even though I am not an expert at anything, maybe I can help someone else.

My official title at the - internet business directory is Database Manager - What I actually do is a little bit of this and a little bit of that. The greatest thing about working here is the people I work with. We have a great team and have grown so much in the last three years that we now have 4-5 people doing what I used to do and I am now a supervisor.

I have been with company since the beginning. Even before we were on the net. The first big project we had was keying in every city in the United States into our database. Of course, we made a few mistakes and are still adding cities (it's amazing how many cities there are in the United States) and the list keeps growing, but we all had fun doing it.

One of my favorite tasks is training people, don't ask my why but I love doing that. I think I am a teacher at heart. My newest job is creating a blog - and here it is! I would like to keep anyone who is interested up to date on what is going on around here and maybe a little history of the company.

I think I will post this and see what happens next...

Be back soon -
Miss Pam


Anonymous said...

I can't believe my Aunt Pam is a blogger!

Anonymous said...

When looking for a hotel I used your Flordia directory and found it to be so useful.

Anonymous said...

Isn't blogging great??!! It can be so much fun and addicting at the same time!

P.S. USCITY.NET is the homepage for all my computers-and not just because I work here, because its a great site! :)

Miss Pam said...

Lots of stuff going on at this week. We have had a lot of realtors signing up -- must be a housing boom all over the country.

We have added a new category "Maternity" to help our visitors find what they are looking for faster and easier.